Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tut 5- Benefits of using a storyboard

When creating a short film the process can be broken down when using a storyboard for initial planning. By visually planning our short film we began with the idea of using Barbie dolls and expanded from there. We drew small sketches of general camera shots we would use for each scene that went along with our storyline. When it came to the actual filming we ended up with rather a large group. With larger numbers behind the scenes, the process could have been complicated dictating what angles and where scenes would be shot. By having a pre-planned storyboard the process was less complicated as we followed the plan and everyone knew what the initial vision of the film was.

Tut 7 - Assistive Technolog

Assistive technology is a broad range of devices, services, strategies and practices that are produced and applied to improve the problems faced by individuals who have disabilities. (Cook & Hussey 2000)
Cook. A., & Hussey, S. (1995). Assitive Technology: Principles & Practice. Missouri: Mosby-Year Book Inc.

An example of an assistive technology is a talking photo album. A talking photo album allows a person to record a specific message to conjuction to each page. In other words, each photo has a verbal message or subtitle.

An O.T from Kimiora school presented a range of assisstive technologies to our class, and explained how they can be used for kids with mental and physical disabilities. A talking photo album can be a very useful tool especially for children to remember the where, the what and the when about the photo. With help from recording with others, talking photo albums can help non-verbal people share their memories with others. This is great for kids to take home photo’s of what they are doing at school to share with their familes. The best part about talking photo albums is their price, ranging from around $15.

How to upload a Flickr Badge to Blogger

Monday, June 21, 2010

Internet and Online Communities (Tut 6)

Silverfish Longboarding- The longboarding skateboarding community

The group connects international longboarders via a public forum. The aim of the community is to allow a forum for all members to view and post tips/resources and information about longboarding.

Silverfish Longboarding Community provides news, updates and information about longboarding to all those internationally interested. It only requires a simple online sign up to become a member to view and add to the website. The are many different sub-forums in the community including tips on buying a longboard, recommended brands, reviews of videos etc.

There are many benefits of online communities, no exception with Silverfish longboarding. When members join they are seeking others that share the same interest of longboarding and the information/tips/advice and general discussion they provide. With Silverfish there is large amounts of information found in one place and are easy to view and to add to.

Term Definition
Baltic Birch
Baltic Birch is a plywood made from solid birch hardwood, typically from Eastern Europe. It is popular with furniture builders for its high strength, ease of manufacturing, and attractive faces. Deck builders like it for the same reason. Baltic Birch plywood comes in various thicknesses, made from thin plies.

This is from the glossary part of the communtiy where terms related to longboarding are defined.

Silverfish Longboarding retrived 5.30pm June 5.

The ethical issues arising from this online community, surround the way in which the community is monitored. Although there is general monitoring, there are large amounts of forums and posting.The site relies on members to complain if others are abusing or posting inappropriate comments.
When signing up to Silverfish, like most other online communities you are required to supply some personal information. When posting onto forums members are posting part of their identities, and anywhere on the internet, this can be dangerous.

The traditional definition of a commuity describes it as being people joined by close proximity. The internet and use of online communities challenges this definition. Communties can now involve members separted by global miles. In Silverfish longboarding, although members are international they are brought together for their same interest via an online forum.

The information age we live in has revolutionalised we make contact with those we share interests with. However there are downfalls to social interaction through a computer. For example, Silverfish provides its members with many descriptions of how to learn new longboarding tricks and sometimes provides video instructions. However with online communities there still remains a digitial devide between teacher and learner, not always the best of way learning. The online community also lacks validity of the information that is provided.

How to upload YouTube Video to Blog

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tut 3 - Services of Blogger

Services of blogger.
Blogger is a online community that gives everyday people a voice on the internet. People from around the world can create their own blog to share their views, opinions, information, photos and anything they want to share. Blogger allows members to upload photos and videos, or link from other websites.

You Tube

Undeniably a revolution. Youtube offers a social base for people around the world to view and share orignal videos. With this comes the opportunity for people to create, inspire others and start an international fan base. Youtube also offers blog spaces, social connections and an a whole new medium for everyday people to become internationally famous from their living rooms.

When creating a short film the process can be broken down when using a storyboard for initial planning. By visually planning our short film we began with the idea of using Barbie dolls and expanded from there. We drew small sketches of general camera shots we would use for each scene that went along with our storyline. When it came to the actual filming we ended up with rather a large group. With larger numbers behind the scenes, the process could have been complicated dictating what angles and where scenes would be shot. By having a pre-planned storyboard the process was less complicated as we followed the plan and everyone knew what the initial vision of the film was.